• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • My current setup is to have all of my music hosted on my Jellyfin server and streamed to whatever device I’m currently using. It can be a player as well as an organizer (kinda). Your setup can be as simple or a complicated as you want.

    For iOS I recommend FinAmp as a good music player. FinAmp is ugly but it’s actually quite good. It also is almost useless without a Jellyfin server to connect to. Jellyfin’s web interface is better, but doesn’t play well with iOS killing background apps constantly.

    For discovering music I use a mix of Spotify and ListenBrainz.

    And finally for acquiring music, Band Camp is usually my first stop, followed by Amazon. spotdl is a good app for downloading songs from your Spotify playlists to your storage nas, but the legality of it varies.

  • It’s doable but you should treat it more as a learning opportunity than a production system. Honestly, that’s old enough that a RPi might be able to run circle around it.

    The Celeron 1011 is a 32bit processor, so Debian or Gentoo may be the only distributions that still support it and you will probably have to compile from source anything you want to run. A gig of ram was good for its time.

    The Linux Unplugged crew from Jupiter Broadcasting are currently doing a 32bit challenge to see if such systems are still usable for day to day usage. It’s going to be interesting.

  • My goal is not so much to add authentication to VS Code ( I agree it’s built in function is fine for local network use and I likely would not be putting it on the open net), but rather to learn to use Authentik. In the end I would like all of my services (or rather, as many as possible) using a single login provider.

    Right now, I have 15 services running, each of which have their own authentication system with their own user names and passwords. It gets annoying, especially when my family members also use many of the services I run. I wanted a single place I could go to add and administer user accounts.

    I could do this many ways, (LDAP, Authelia, KeyCloak) but I chose Authentik because it appeares to support everything I currently run, with the possible exception of Home Assistant and Jellyfin.