I’ve been downloading SSL certificates from my domain provider, using cat to join them together to make the fullchain.pem, uploading them to the server, and myself adding a 90 day calendar reminder. Every time I did this I’d think I should find out about this Certbot thing.

Well, I finally got around to it, and it was one of those jobs which turns out to be so easy you wish you’d done it ages ago.

The install was simple (I’m using nginx/ubuntu).

It scans up your server conf files to see which sites are being served, asks you a couple of questions, obtains the Let’s Encrypt certificate for them, installs it, updates your conf files to use it, and sets up a cron job to check if it’s time to renew the certificate, which it will also do auto-magically.

I was so pleased with it I made a donation to the EFF for it, then I started to think about how amazingly useful Let’s Encrypt is, and gave them one too. It’s just a really good time to be in this hobby.

I highly recommend Certbot. If you’ve been putting this off, or only just hearing about it, make some time for it.

  • Kangie@lemmy.srcfiles.zip
    1 year ago

    I run all of my containerised services behind Traefik which does LetsEncrypt for me as well as handles fun stuff like routing to different containers / reverse proxy. It’s fantastic if you want to take your new knowledge to the next level!

    • thirdBreakfast@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Thanks, I do, and I’ve added a couple from the suggestions here. Caddy and Traefik are both on my list of things to investigate now.

    • dan@upvote.au
      1 year ago

      Traefik sounds interesting. I’m old-school so I still configure Nginx manually. I’ve got a bunch of snippets in /etc/nginx/snippets/ so a lot of the configuration is just importing the right snippets.

      On the other hand, there’s value in using the same software for both reverse proxies and regular websites. There’s only one configuration language to learn. I’ve been using Nginx for over 10 years so I’m very familiar with configuring it.