Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Just waking up, I’ve been running docker on my nas for a few years now and was never made aware of this - the nas ports appear safe, but the vps is not, so I swapped in in front of the port number (so it’s now or what have you), and that appears to resolve it. I have nginx running so of course that’s how I want to have a couple things exposed, not everything via port.

    My understanding was that port:port just was local for allowing redirection from container to host, and you’d still need to do network firewall management yourself to allow stuff through, and that appears the case on my home network, so I never had reason to question it. Thanks, I learned something today :)

    Might do the same to my nas containers, too, just to be safe. I’m using those containers as a testbed for the vps containers so I don’t want to forget…

  • wreckedcarzz@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNever Again
    4 months ago

    All my machines use WD nvme/sata, with a laptop running ADATA nvme. The only ssd I’ve had fail was at the very very bleeding edge of ssd availability (“sale” of ~$100 for 30GB) with a Kingston drive, unknown flash mfg. Oldest (other than the Kingston) is when I installed (family member’s box) a Samsung sata drive (830? 840?) that’s been a trooper for the last… 11 years? No issues otherwise.

    Oh, the original ssd (unknown brand) that came in that laptop, which I immediately cloned to+replaced with the ADATA, I stuck in my nas last year. It lasted less than 6 months, with no prior writes and the only reads being the clone, until the nas. Also I got warnings less than 6h before total failure. It was working as a cache drive. Replaced with WD Red nvme drives (2 vs the 1) and those are working fine. Pissed me off, that laptop msrp at… $2700? I bought at $1400 + nvme and ram. For them to want such a fucking nutty upcharge and then use a no-name nvme that dies with moderate use (plex system mostly, couple users) is bullshit. Not surprising, it’s came out of an Acer Predator, but fuck.

    E: oh and that little pos decided to die when I was on vacation at a convention, so scrambling to get to a laptop and tell the nas to stop using the failing/failed drive, worried about the data, was a panic detour that I did not need…

  • I mean, I’m still using it, slowly filling the db… But yeah the first go (or 5) was super frustrating, and the UI could be more intuitive, almost wizard-like for beginners would make a huge difference. But if you want to note the warnings and proceed, it seems like a feature-rich system. Definitely aimed at the actual IT career individuals (and their businesses).

    That is the container I’m using, also.

  • Snipe it is hardcore overkill for this need. I started using it a couple weeks ago since I have lots of tech, but it’s made for large businesses, or multiple businesses. Technically yeah one can use it, but it’s cumbersome and a bit frustrating to get started/figure things out.

    I want to add a smart coffee maker? Okay I’ll just get the serial and - oh I haven’t entered this model before, lets add it. Oh I can’t, because I haven’t entered anything by Honeywell yet, time to back out and add all the details of the company. Now lets go back and enter that serial again. Now we can add the model details. Let’s grab a photo. Oh, the fucking system has a known issue that it limits uploads to 2MB? And adjusting it in docker doesn’t work even though it should? Let’s stop the container and go into the damn host filesystem to edit the php file that has the solution you will only find on a github discussion from 5 years ago. Now start the container and add an asset and enter the serial and set the model and set the company and upload the picture and why does the warranty length box only take months and I need to mark it as ready for deployment and holy fuck it’s taken 45 minutes…

    And no, none of this was hyperbole. Once I know these stupid quirks, 5 minutes to grab data and enter, but shit especially the filesize issue, 5 years and no fix? Oh and guess what you’ll be searching for online after watchtower pulls an update and you forgot to note that fix in the docker-compose file? Mmmhm, that fix gets overwritten with every update.