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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I used to have this with homeassistant and zwavejs. Every time I’d pull a new homeassistant, the zwave integration would fail, because it required a newer version of zwavejs. Taught me to build the chain of services into one docker-compose, so they’d all update together. That’s become one of the rationales for me to use docker: got a chain of dependent processes? wrap them in a docker so you’re working with (probably) the same dependencies as the devs.

    My other rationale is just portability, and docker is just one of many solutions there. In my little home environment, where servers are either retired desktops or gee-that-seems-cool SBCs, it’s nice to be able to easily move stuff independent of architecture or OS.

  • $10/month is one drink in the pub on one Friday night out of four. It’s not even a movie ticket.

    European electricity rates are closer to $0.30, and I agree that 100W 24/7 is a cost worth being aware of. I think we’re seeing in this thread that it’s pretty easy to find a system with standard PC parts from the past decade that idles in the 50W range, like OP, even with a couple of HDDs, and $50/year (US), even $150/year (EU), electricity cost to keep an old desktop out of a landfill maybe doesn’t seem so bad.

    I mean, one should think hard whether their home lab really needs a second full system running for failover, or whether they really need a separate desktop-based system just for NAS. And maybe don’t convert your old gaming rig and its GPU to a home server. Or the quad-Xeon server that work is ‘just giving away,’ even if it would be cool to have a $50,000 computer running in the basement.

  • 5W vs 50W is an annual difference of 400 kWh. Or 150 kG CO2e, if that’s your metric. Either way, it’s not a huge cost for most people capable of running a 24/7 home lab.

    If you start thinking about the costs - either cash or ghg - of creating an RPi or other dedicated low power server; the energy to run HDDs, at 5-10W each, or other accessories, well, the picture gets pretty complicated. Power is one aspect, and it’s really easy to measure objectively, but that also makes it easy to fetishize.

  • I’d tried that…this has been going on for five days, and I can not describe my level of frustration. But I solved it, literally just now.

    Despite systemctl status apparmor.service claiming it was inactive, it was secretly active. audit.log was so full of sudo that I failed to see all of the

    apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="/usr/sbin/named" name="/etc/bind/dnssec-keys/K[zone].+013+16035.l6WOJd" pid=152161 comm="isc-net-0002" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=124 ouid=124FSUID="bind" OUID="bind"

    That made me realize, when I thought I fixed the apparmor rule, I’d used /etc/bind/dnskey/ rw instead of /etc/bind/dnskey/** rw

    The bind manual claims that you don’t need to manually create keys or manually include them in your zone file, if you use dnssec-policy default or presumably any other policy with inline-signing. Claims that bind will generate its own keys, write them, and even manage timed rotation or migration to a new policy. I can’t confirm or deny that, because it definitely found the keys I had manually created (one of which was $INCLUDEd in the zone file, and one not) and used them. It also edited them and created .state files.

    I feel like I should take the rest of the day off and celebrate.

  • Pi5+ just because I’d originally written Pi5+PS/case/SD.

    And you’re right that everything has gotten more expensive, but $35 in 2016 (Pi-3) is only $45 today (and you can still get a 3B for $35). The older Pis hit, for me, a sweet spot of functionality, ease, and price. Price-wise, they were more comparable to an Arduino board than a PC. They had GPIOs like a microcontroller. They could run a full operating system, so easy to access, configure, and program, without having to deal with the added overhead of cross-compiling or directly programing a microcontroller. That generation of Pi was vastly overpowered for replacing an Arduino, so naturally people started running other services on them.

    Pi 3 was barely functional as a desktop, and the Pi Foundation pushed them as a cheap platform to provide desktop computing and programming experience for poor populations. Pi4, and especially Pi5, dramatically improved desktop functionality at the cost of marginal price increases, at the same time as Intel was expanding its inexpensive, low-power options. So now, a high-end Pi5 is almost as good as a low-end x86, but also almost as expensive. It’s no longer attractive to people who mostly want an easy path to embedded computing, and (I think) in developed countries, that was what drove Pi hype.

    Pi Zero, at $15, is more attractive to those people who want a familiar interface to sensors and controllers, but they aren’t powerful enough to run NAS, libreelec, pihole, and the like. Where “Rasperry Pi” used to be a melting pot for people making cool gadgets and cheap computing, they’ve now segmented their customer base into Pi-Zero for gadgets and Pi-400/Pi-5 for cheap computing.

  • Pi 4’s were hard to get there for a while. Pi 5’s are expensive. Lot of other SBCs are also expensive, as in not all that much cheaper than a 2-3 generations old low-end x86. That makes them less attractive for special purpose computing, especially among people who have a lot of old hardware lying around.

    Any desktop from the last decade can easily host multiple single-household computer services, and it’s easier to maintain just one box than a half dozen SBCs, with a half dozen power supplies, a half dozen network connections, etc. Selfhosters often have a ‘real’ computer running 24/7 for video transcoding or something, so hosting a bunch of minimal-use services on it doesn’t even increase the electric bill.

    For me, the most interesting aspect of those SBCs was GPIO and access to raw sensor data. In the last few years, ‘smart home’ technology seems to have really exploded, to where many of the sensors I was interested in 10 years ago are now available with zigbee, bluetooth or even wifi connectivity, so you don’t need that GPIO anymore. There are still some specific control applications where, for me, Pi’s make sense, but I’m more likely to migrate towards Pi-0 than Pi-5.

    SBCs were also an attractive solution for media/home theater displays, as clients for plex/jellyfin/mythtv servers, but modern smart-TVs seem mostly to have built-in clients for most of those. Personally, I’m still happy with kodi running on a pi-4 and a 15 year old dumb TV.

  • I have an inch-high stack of platters now. Kind of interesting to see how their thickness has changed over the years, including a color change in there somewhere. Keep thinking I should bury them in epoxy on some table top.

    For extra fun, you ca melt the casings and cast interesting shapes. I only wish I were smart enough to repurpose the spindle motors.

  • Traditionally, RAID-0 “stripes” data across exactly 2 disks, writing half the data to each, trying to get twice the I/O speed out of disks that are much slower than the data bus. This also has the effect of looking like one disk twice the size of either physical disk, but if either disk fails, you lose the whole array. RAID-1 “mirrors” data across multiple identical disks, writing exactly the same data to all of them, again higher I/O performance, but providing redundancy instead of size. RAID-5 is like an extension of RAID-0 or a combination of -0 and -1, writing data across multiple disks, with an extra ‘parity’ disk for error correction. It requires (n) identical-sized disks but gives you storage capacity of (n-1), and allows you to rebuild the array in case any one disk fails. Any of these look to the filesystem like a single disk.

    As @ahto@feddit.de says, none of those matter for TrueNAS. Technically, trueNAS creates “JBOD” - just a bunch of disks - and uses the file system to combine all those separate disks into one logical structure. From the user perspective, these all look exactly the same, but ZFS allows for much more complicated distributions of data and more diverse sizes of physical disks.

  • Not the person you replied to, but the only thing on your list with real processing requirements is Jellyfish, if you do transcoding. My pihole uses like 0.3 CPU on a pi4, HA 0.1, zwave2mqtt less than that. You’re more likely to run into bandwidth issues with sonarr/radarr/dropbox, because pi’s just can’t push data to disks very fast, but if you’re doing downloads in the background, maybe that’s no a big deal.

  • I have a live local backup to guard against hardware/system failure. I figure the only reason I’d have to go to the off-site backup is destruction of my home, and if that ever happens then recreating a couple of months worth of critical data will not be an undue burden.

    If I had work or consulting product on my home systems, I’d probably keep a cloud backup by daily rsync, but I’m not going to spend the bandwidth to remote backup the whole system off site. It’s bad enough bringing down a few tens of gigabytes - sending up several terabytes, even in the background, just isn’t practical for me.