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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • At a glance your first issue is finding the correct ip address, you should only have one local ip address to access it with (inside your home network).

    To find your local ip, type “ip a” into the terminal, and look for the address under “eth0“ for a wired connection, or “wlan0” for wireless. This will allow you to connect using the ip and port while on your home network to test the connection and make sure it works right.

    After that, I highly recommend the vpn option, it will simplify connecting to it while not at home without creating security issues like setting it up with a domain. I personally use zerotier, that guide will help you get it set up on the raspberry pi. Not the last bit about a “managed ip.” That will be the address to tell your phone to connect too once you have the vpn set up on the phone as well.

  • Man my home server IDLES at 76 watts per hour running x86. Now mind you I need the x86 to perform some of the functions I want. This thing works as an NAS, nextcloud, media server, kiwix, security camera (zoneminder), remote desktop (xrdp), runs home assistant, gpu AI upscaling for photos, and finally screeches along running a virtual pipe organ I built that takes 69 GB of RAM to run.

    If I could do that with raspberry pi’s I would in a heartbeat! the power savings alone would eventually pay for them. If it’s doing what you want then don’t worry about them. My pi400 works as a remote desktop client and one day I hope more of this stuff will work well on it/a future generation so I can ditch the tower, energy usage, and noise.

  • On FreeBSD the config is located in “/usr/local/www/nextcloud/config/config.php”, I’m unsure about Linux I haven’t set it up for that. But, in the config you will see a marker for “trusted domains,” I’ve set mine up for local DNS, zero-tier and local IP setup and it looks like this:

    `‘trusted_domains’ =>

    array (

    0 => 'fileserver.home.lan:9000',
    1 => '',
    2 => '',
    3 => '',
    4 => 'fileserver.home.lan',
    5 => '',

    ), `

    Edit: You can see here more info on the config file. Per that documentation on Linux it should be under “/var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php”

    Also of note, for internal IP addresses you should set the server to a static IP on your router, that’s how I know my server will always be If you’re using home internet (not a VPS or business line) you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a dynamic IP for public facing connections. For that I like noip.com because they have an app that will auto-update this so you can use the free domain name without needing to know the IP address that will change every few days. Duckdns also does this if memory serves though I think they just had a bash script you ran for this.

  • If you utilize logins something like fail2ban would be a good addition, as well as something for anti-malware/hacking/injection prevention etc. when I had a public Nextcloud I had Apache set up with mod-security with the owasp rule set loaded.

    The biggest risks of hosting something public at home besides ddos attacks is scripts that get regularly run against any open port they can find on the internet that if successful could encrypt your data for ransomware etc. I personally realized this was all just for me and the wife and running the services through a vpn (ZeroTier was fantastically easy to set up) removed most of the risk while letting us access remotely

    Edit: ddos protection would also be adviseable I think cloudflare might have that built in though