They are okay, provision really fast, decent Terraform provider and are very cheap. They are fairly reliable, but I’ve always been a bigger fan of DO and Vultr. You get what you pay for in the long run.
They are okay, provision really fast, decent Terraform provider and are very cheap. They are fairly reliable, but I’ve always been a bigger fan of DO and Vultr. You get what you pay for in the long run.
Yeah, email is one of those things that’s better left to be someone else’s headache. DO and Vultr are great choices.
I’m not sure why you’re getting down voted, you’re right. I’m not sure if anyone would run Proxmox for their enterprise hypervisor? I mean HyperV is okay. Slim pickings for big orgs. I know there’s Nutanix, but most folks are moving to the big three for VMs and hosting.
It’s really sad, they used to be amazing and the goto for running Linux VMs on back in the day. Still haven’t seen anyone do hardware pass through as well.
Have you ever used it?
You should see some of the literal data centers folks have in their houses. It’s nuts.
How you liking it? Seemed a little hard to learn to me, and I do TF and Ansible.
Hey this and put FreeNAS / TrueNAS on this.
TERRAMASTER F2-223 2Bay NAS Storage – High Performance for SMB with N4505 Dual-Core CPU, 4GB DDR4 Memory, 2.5GbE Port x 2, Network Storage Server (Diskless)
You should really try the GitHub CLI, it’s amazing. I only use the GUI for tweaking settings and browsing here and there. Everything else you can do from JetBrains / Viscose native, including PRs.
Crunch bang plus plus retro af
I would look into buying a mini PC and throwing a hypervisor on it.
I would try Vultr, if DO is being weird. They are awesome and have very similar pricing to DO. Hetzner is ok as well, but they have annoying DDoS filtering.
You could also try AWS ARM EC2, but they’re expensive for bandwidth by comparison.
You should try PhotoPrism, it’s amazing. All great picks BTW. Gittea had GH Actions compatible runners now!
Ya know what… That’s actually a really good idea 😅😎
You can use different manufacturers, just make sure they are the SAME size and speed. You can also get the same ones from the same vendor, just from different online shops to try and offset getting a bad batch.
You can use CF Tunnel so you don’t need to expose any ports from your router. They’ll also do SSL termination for you as well. You can use their free plan for this AFAIK. You can also run your own SSL proxy as well with HAProxy or Nginx. I’d just use CF, it’s easier TBH.
Used mini PC FTW
Eh, it’s not the same as the built in links with JIRA or GitLab. Also JIRA won’t link to it either. Hopefully one day it’ll get proper support.
I self host stuff that I feel the need to. But TBH, you don’t really need to self host much, outside of media collections. PhotoPrism and JellyFin are about the only two I need, aside from a PiHole. Most folks would be fine with a beefy NAS.