The sharpness of the tongue defeats the snarkness of the keyboard warrior.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • For the past many years I’ve simply synced my notes across devices (originally from webDAV, currently Syncthing) and open them with my favourite Markdown editor for each platform. On my android phone it’s Markor, and Marktext on desktop.

    I’ve tried so many note taking apps but especially Joplin’s weird renaming of my files cooled my enthusiasm for One App To Rule Them All. I do understand the attraction of it, I just prefer a simple setup where I’m not bound by any developer (team)’s whims.

  • Maybe there is more development going on in individual projects? ActivityPods which combines ActivityPub accounts with Solid Pods for identity management — and AFAICT it was last updated two days ago.

    I have to say I’m still not clear on exactly what and how Berners-Lee & co intend us to use Solid. Presumably the pod providers are more reliable than Google or Meta, but they’re still unknown third parties to me? Should we self host our pods? That’s only a power outage away from becoming a real nightmare.

  • Yeah, I get the logic and I thank you for the example (shudder!). Again, those techniques are so pervasive, so normalised that no amount of parental guidance and handholding can really safeguard a kid.

    I’m not arguing against you at all, it’s just a chilling realisation that I can’t realistically co-sign and live by a statement that I would hope to be basic decency…