• 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023

  • I personally do a restic backup on my server (I have a dedicated hetzner server), and keep a backup on the server itself, and do a backup to a backblaze bucket for an offsite backup.

    I also have a restic check job run every week, that reads 10% of the random data making sure everything is fine and working correctly.

    For my local machine I do the same but additionally backup also to an usb drive for a 3-2-1 backup solution.

  • Used to not monitor at all, but after setting up crowdsec I got completeky into prometheus + grafana system resource and security monitiring on my dedicated hetzner server.

    I also keep uptime kuma on another cheap vps to monitor the states of websites directly for issues and I have seted up watchtower to send ntfy notifications on updates so I can know an update is the one fucking everything up.

    Recently also setup restuc backups so I made it so I also get backup health check logs as ntfy notifications on my phone, which really helps me keep everything runnig.

    What I really need to also do is create prometheus/grafana alerts for additional things to get notifications on my phone for them also ( like when crowdsec starts to randomly not get any more acqusitions, so I have to restart it. Once passed over a week before I looked at grafana and caught that ).

    Note: this is all a hoby, I also don’t host anything at home out of a couple reasons, most important being internet and hardware is expensive af here so it’s simply cheaper for me to play around with vps’s and hetzner dedicated servers.

  • You could try using ssh reverse proxy and proxy the port to the vps.

    Another way is to setup wireguard on the vps, connect the powerfull machine to it and keep it always connected there. ( This isn’t really a good options since then all traffic is moved thrkught the vps )

    There is also grok I think that’s the name.

    In general I think ssh reverse port proxy would be a decent way and then you can use a reverse proxy on the vps like nginx or caddy ( you need one that works on the host network )