• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.nettoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldLeviton ToS Change
    4 months ago

    Cool. So don’t use their app. I’d imagine HomeAssistant usage cannot be tracked as it wouldn’t go through their app.

    FWIW, I’m all in on HomeKit, so I only control over Home app for my light switches from another vendor, and I’ve got no skin in the game with Leviton, but same idea applies. No vendor apps means their app based tracking are much less relevant.

  • Does Wireguard have a centralized server that the server at home connect to in order to expose itself? If not, I don’t see how it’d work for OP, because at this point, based on info shared, I’m inclined to think OP is having trouble exposing ports (be it ISP imposed or knowledge gap) as opposed to having issue with the service / vendor.

  • 521 = Origin server down; I.e. the port is not open and/or the IP address is incorrect all together.

    522 = Origin server time out; I.e. the port might be open but no content is being sent back.

    If you’re seeing 521, then Cloudflare cannot establish a connection to port 80/443 on your IP address in the A record. Bearing in mind that in order for someone from outside of your LAN (i.e CloudFlare) to have access to your services, they must be able to reach the service, so this value should be your external IP address, not an internal address. Once you have your external address keyed into the record, have someone else not in your home try to access that IP/port combination and see what happens. If they cannot access, then port forwarding is not setup or your ISP is blocking, or you’re behind some CGNAT. If they can access, then something else is at play (origin IP filtering comes to mind).

  • The free tier rolled out was specifically to address upstream vendors patching Log4J too slowly. They’re able to monitor the requests and intercept malicious patterns before it hits the server running unpatched (due to upstream unavailable yet) applications. They are updating with more rules for the free tier set as far as they’ve stated. The extras from paid tiers are more extra rulesets and more analytics around what was blocked etc.

    At the end of the day though, you do you; the benefit for me may not be benefit for you. I’m not selling their service, and have no benefit what so ever should anyone opt into their services.

  • The difference in my opinion is that doesn’t matter how fast upstream vendors patch issues, there’s a window between issue being detected, patch being implemented, release getting pushed, notification of release gets received, and then finally update getting deployed. Whereas at least on cloud WAF front, they are able to look at requests across all sites, run analysis, and deploy instantly.

    There is a free tier with their basic “Free managed ruleset”, which they’ve deployed for everyone with orange cloud enabled when we saw the Log4J issue couple years back. This protection applies for all applications, not just the ones that were able to turn around quickly with a patch.

    If you want more bells and whistles, there’s a fee associated with it, and I understand having fees is not for everyone, though the price point is much lower – you get some more WAF feature on the $25/mn ($20/mn amortized when paid annually) tier as well before having to fork out the full $250/mn ($200/mn when paid annually) tier. There’s a documentation page on all the price points and rulesets available.

  • Security.

    Cloudflare handles a very large amount of traffic and sees many different types of attacks (thinks CSRF, injections, etc.). It is unlikely that you or me will be individually targeted, but drive-bys are a thing, and thanks to the amount of traffic they monitor, the WAF will more likely block out anything and patch before I’m able to update my apps on 0 days.

    Also, while WAF is a paid feature, other free features, such as free DDOS attack protection, help prevent other attacks.

    It’s a trade off, sure; they’re technically MITM’ing your traffic, but frankly, I don’t care. Much like no one cares to target/attack me individually, they aren’t going to look at my content individually.

    Additionally, it also makes accessing things much easier. Also, it is much more likely I’d find a SME using Cloudflare than some janky custom self hosted tunnel setup. So from a using homelab as a learning for professional experience point of view, it is much more applicable as well.

  • Self hosting email on non-mission critical domain for learning purposes might be okay if your intention is to get into the industry. Self hosting email for others on more production like setting you’re going to find yourself in a world of pain.

    All it takes is one missed email (be it not making into their intended recipient’s inbox, or them not receiving an important notice in their inbox) and you’re never going to hear the end of it.

    You’d also be liable for content your users send out from your servers — and I don’t mean the spam type, though if you get your IP blacklisted, your provider may want to have a word with you.

    I’d strongly advise against going down this path, but if you do, be sure to have ways to legally shield yourself from any sort of potential liabilities.

  • There’s a vocal handful group of people disliking CloudFlare because of their irrelevant “privacy” concern here — you can absolutely use the registrar without using their CDN features. Also, reality check: with CloudFlare’s market reach, there’s zero chance nothing they do online isn’t already MITM’ed already. Having said that, Cloudflare uses their registrar as loss leader, so they give their wholesale price to end users registering, and as such you’ll have the cheapest price available for the domain extensions they support. You can then just set your DNS without their orange cloud and traffic on your domain aren’t going to flow through their CDN.

  • Although most providers do over provision, due to mostly bursty nature of most services, you’re probably less likely going to notice the shared aspect as opposed to the general age of the system. So it may be a good idea to take a quick peek at your VPS’s processor and compare that against what you’d be auctioning for. 1 older core (I.e. E5-2687W) is not going to be able to put up same amount of work against 1 newer core (I.e. AMD EPYC 7763) — brands and actual models are less relevant, just the idea of age gap that’s more important.

    If you want to be absolutely sure, it may be just a good idea to budget for some duration where you’d pay for both services (you’d need some time to migrate everything anyway), and run benchmarks on both systems to see what you’d get out of each, then decide which one to keep.