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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Some things, or points, to consider.

    1. Do you want whatever you’re hosting to be internet accessible? Or local network only? As it being able to access from anywhere
    2. If its something you want to be able to use full time, youll eventually want a dedicated machine. I have an *arr stack etc, which I share with a private group. Eventually downtime was an actual consideration and interrupted my normal usage of my main machine. I picked up a secondhand elitedesk mini Pc for £150 and its doing really well.
    3. Potentially make use of tools like Zerotier for private networking (others hopefully will chime in with alternatives, but I have had good success with zerotier.
    4. How do you want to host it, and are you willing to learn? Get a bit of knowledge on docker or podman but this is hardmode as most examples will be docker specific. Using containers will make things simpler. The most complicated part IMO is networking but even then its more docker networking stuff than general TCP/IP - (like you mentioned in your post)
    5. OS - you mentioned using Linux? I personally use Ubuntu just out of defaulting to what i’ve previously used. But Im currently using Manjaro on my non host PC, which I am liking
    6. Keep things secure - the more you expose to the internet, the more risk. Keep exposure as small as possible, use letsencrypt or alternatives for anything you want to access over the internet etc

    good luck have fun!

  • It depends whether a whole season torrent exists or not. If sonarr can identify one thats a whole season, it should download that when you search at season level. If youve searched individual episode at a time, youll get a single one.

    You can do an interactive search and iirc specify full season during that search

  • When you tried caddy and received an error, that looks like you are getting the wrong image name.

    Then you mentioned deleting caddyfile as the configuration didn’t work. But, if I am following correctly the caddyfile wouldn’t yet be relevant if the caddy container hadn’t actually ran.

    Pulling from Caddys docs, you should just need to run

    $ docker run -d -p 80:80 \
        -v $PWD/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile \
        -v caddy_data:/data \

    Where $PWD is the current directory the terminal is currently in.

    Further docs for then configuring for HTTPs you can find here under

    Automatic TLS with the Caddy image


  • Like other commenter said, regardless of podman or docker you will need to handle port forwarding, and any firewall changes.

    Port forwarding through docker or podman is pretty similar, if not identical.

    I have heard good things about podman but I personally had some strange issues when moving from docker to podman, specifically transferring docker networks to the podman equivalent.

  • On my phone so I haven’t got the access to give you a good example.

    You see in your compose file in your original post you have ‘8080:8080’ under ports?

    You should be able to add another line, the left hand side of the colon exposing a different port like so

        - ‘8080:8080’
        - ‘9090:9090’ 

    then one service you can access on port 8080 and the other you access on 9090

    then under each service you want to expose you add the other port mappings

            - 8080:8080
            - 9090:8080

    edit - so you should end up with the vpn container exposing 8080 which points to the service exposing 8080 which maps to application listening on 8080

    and the same for 9090 -> 9090 -> 8080