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  • 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • Possibly some old configuration on your backend from the letsencrypt beforehand?

    Are you referring to the original HTTPS configuration for Let’s Encrypt for I haven’t disabled that yet. Should I entirely disable HTTPS for the Nextcloud server?

    Have a look at your next cloud backend http logs to see what requests are arriving there and what HOST( http header ) it’s trying to connect to on that IP.

    I’m not entriely sure where to find what you are referring to. I checked the Apache logs for Nextcloud, and I didn’t find anything.

  • Your first configuration results in the following when I access from both within and outside the LAN:

    400 Bad Request
    Bad Request
    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
    Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.
     Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.

    This is an interesting response, because it’s what I see when I try to access the server from from within the LAN. Which, I assume, is to be expected when a port has TLS enabled – one should access it from instead; however, when I modify your suggestion to be from port 80, rather than port 443, it results in the usual

    301 Moved Permanently
    Moved Permanently
    The document has moved

    Your second configuration results in the following when I access from both within and outside the LAN:

    Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.

    Side note: I do still have the original HTTPS setup with Let’s Encrypt enabled on the Nextcloud server for Is that causing the issue? I’d rather not disable that unless I need to, at the moment.

  • Here is the output of wget --spider

    Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
    --2024-02-21 09:20:41--
    Loaded CA certificate '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
    Resolving ( public-ip
    Connecting to (|public-ip|:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [following]
    Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
    --2024-02-21 09:20:46--
    Connecting to (|public-ip|:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [following]
    Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
    --2024-02-21 09:20:46--
    Connecting to (|public-ip|:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [following]
    Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
    [I deleted a bunch of repetitions]
    --2024-02-21 09:20:48--
    Connecting to (|public-ip|:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [following]
    20 redirections exceeded.

    And here is the contents of the cookie file (it is empty):

    # Netscape HTTP Cookie File
    # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.

  • The fact that it’s a “single board” computer, specifically, is mildly irrelevant, imo; just follow standard backup practices. The only way the type of computer really comes into question is whether or not it has adequate resources to run whatever backup solution that you choose. For my usecase, Borg works great, but choose whatever solution fits your requirements. The “simplest”, and lightest solution is probably rsync, but that may leave a lot to be desired.