Calculator Manipulator

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2019

  • NFS comes to mind, naturally.

    I remember some years ago scp had a big issue, can’t recall what, though. But that made me have a look at rsync, and I’ve been using that ever since. Flags are a bit atteocious, but I’ve aliases rsync -avz status=progress to copy and it’s been happy days. One other benefit - incremental copy. Helps in cases where a copy procedure had been stopped for whatever reason.

  • I didn’t add it to any lists, but to the network interface itself. You know the output of ip a? The one pihole listens on (wg0 in my case, because wireguard) has something like, say,, but also So when a DNS packet is spit out by chromecast to go to UDP port 53 - my pihole happily answers that request. You could also do a separate unbound instance on a new virtual interface with a quad8 ip and just forward everything to pihole, if you fancy.