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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I care about anything. RAM usage, file size, etc. I’m a minimalist when it comes to software. Use as less of all resources as possible. After once writing a router in Python I thought I could do this in Lua, too, but never actually tried. Maybe this would be a nice weekend project?

    Even if Nginx is the way to go, I currently experiment with SWS which was suggested here. Technical aspects aside: The software is actively developed and the maintainer provides Docker images on their own (easy for Deploying a container based on that) and a package for my distribution (easy for development testing).

  • Having PHP installed is just unnecessary attack surface.

    Yes! Especially running it’s built-in webserver outside your dev environment. They “advertise” doing so in their Docker packages documentation, though. Every project without PHP is a good project. It’s still an option - at least technically.

    Are you really struggling for space that 50mb matters?

    In a way, yes. I just want to optimize my stuff as much as possible. No unneeded tools, no overhead, a super clean environment, etc. Firing up another Nginx container just doesn’t feel right anymore. (Even if it seems to be possible to manually “hack” file serving into NPM - which makes it a multi-use container serving various different sites and proxying requests.)

    The machine I use as docker host also has a pretty low-end CPU and measly 4 gigabytes of RAM. So every resource not wasted is a good resource.

  • Php is pointless when its a static site with no php

    Absolutely, but it has a built-in webserver that can serve static files, too (I constantly use that in my dev environment).

    But I guess you’re mostly right about just using Nginx. I already have multiple containers running it, though. Most of them just serving static files. But it’s ca. 50 megabytes compressed size each container just for Nginx alone.