3. Set up your PiHole on a static private IP.
Ensure both sites can route across the tunnel. Based on your experience level and scope, dynamic routing is not recommended or necessary, which means static routes. Point a route for each side’s subnet to the Wireguard tunnel IPs so your firewalls know how to reach and respond to each other across the tunnel.
Configure your devices to use PiHole for their DNS, via DHCP ideally.
@Pete90 @MangoPenguin Bytes (B) are used for storage, bits (b) are used for network. 1B=8b.
2.5Gbps equals 312.5MBps.
With that in mind, there are a lot of moving parts to diagnose, assuming you want to reach that speed for a transfer. Can the storage of both machines reach that speed? I believe I saw the NAS’s disk tested and clocked at 470ish MBps, but can the client side keep up? I saw the iPerf test, but what was the exact command used? Did you multithread it?